Compose and Print WINNING Grant Proposals At The CLICK of A Mouse!
 GRANT WRITING: A HANDS ON APPROACH This is a Highly Recommended Grant Proposal Software Writing Tool complete with OnLine Tutorial and Manual for Successful and Winning Grant Proposal writing For use on Windows and Macintosh (HyperText Included) Computers. About The GRANT PROPOSAL WRITING" Software: Over $8.6 billion dollars (and more) in grant funding is available Each and Every fiscal year, but competition for these funds is fierce! To get your Agency, your Non-Profit Organization, or your Police, Fire or related public safety or public service effort or cause FUNDED, you MUST mail professional, well-written, attractively printed grant proposals that have funding impact! GRANT WRITING: A HANDS ON APPROACH is THE PC Windows (also available in Macintosh) software tool that will help you do just that! "GRANT WRITING: A HANDS ON APPROACH" is a MUST for each and every grant proposal writer approaching private trusts, corporate or public foundations, or those grant resources from the Federal government as identified by the FEDERAL (GRANT) MONEY RETRIEVER, fully described above. It teaches the basics of formatting standard grant proposals and initial letters of inquiry to prospective donors and grantors. This amazing electronic tutorial guides you step-by-step through the entire grant writing process and helps you compose an inviting, impacting grant proposal that: --Introduces your agency or organization and its history to the prospective donor or grantor; --Clarifies the social need or problem that your proposed project addresses and the population(s) you will serve; --Defines Outcomes that you are aiming for upon completion of the proposed project within a specifc time frame; --Outlines the Plan of Work, including Activities and Staff Proposed, Clarifying Methods and Time-Lining Tasks; --Describes and summarizes program evaluation; --Illustrates the total project budget, in-kind donations and grant amount requested; --Outlines plans for future funding and more! YOU WILL WORK THROUGH THE EIGHT COMPONENTS OF AN EFFECTIVE PROPOSAL! GRANT WRITING: A HANDS-ON APPROACH is organized by 8 proposal components vital information that grantors and donors look for: 1. Introduction 2. Social Problem Statement 3. Project Objectives 4. Methods and Work Plan 5. Evaluation Methods 6. Future Funding Plans 7. Budget (and) 8. Project Timeline. Each component has three sections: 1. Tutorial screens written by professional grant writers with specific guidelines on how to write that component; 2. A fill-in-the-blanks template screen with a heading where you can write and edit your proposal component; and 3. Checklists to proof-read your writing. At any time, you can print any or all of the proposal component screens. Or, you can use the PRINT ALL option from the menu, and the software assembles an entire, elegant proposal complete with headings! GRANT WRITING: A HANDS-ON APPROACH allows you to create an illustrated budget for your proposal. A simple spreadsheet format comes ready for dollar figures to be entered. *Record the Grant Request and In-Kind Donations; *Calculate Total Budget, including Personnel and Non-Personnel Costs; *Use the Available Categories or Erase Them and Create Your Own. GRANT WRITING: A HANDS ON APPROACH Models Your Grant Proposal Writing after Effective Examples! A comprehensive printed manual comes with GRANT WRITING: A HANDS ON APPROACH. In addition to providing instructions on how to install and use the software tool, the manual offers many examples of grant proposal writing. You'll Find Samples of: *Simple, lively introductions; *Convincing social statements; and *Clear and measurable outcome descriptions, and other well-written proposal components that you can model. The Cost of Grant Writing: A Hands-On Approach is $79.95 - Prepaid - Delivered via UPS. GRANT WRITING: A Hands On Approach Available in: Windows and Macintosh (Includes HyperText)