Grants Funding Loans for Homeowners for Rebuilding and Remodeling Grant Proposal Training and Much, Much More! Due to the recent success of the FEDERAL (GRANT) MONEY RETRIEVER, two new Non-Profit Organizations are using the program to identify, locate and obtain Grants... People Against Car Theft, Incorporated The New Jersey Tennis Association The National Clearinghouse on Satanic Crime In America The Masters of Philanthropy Fundus Demos Diplomatie You Can and Should Be Next On This List! |
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And the winner is... YOU and YOUR Agency, School, Non-Profit, Association, For-Profit Small or Woman-Owned Business, especially when you Order and Use the Following: --Federal (Grant) Money Retriever --The National Directory of Corporate Giving --Grant Writing: A Hands On Approach --Grant Expenditure Tracking for PC with Quicken And More! |
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It's finally here! The NATIONAL DIRECTORY OF CORPORATE GIVING. This offers you a unique opportunity to identify and apply to Corporations who Award Grants, Funding and Tectnology to Non-Profits, Schools and Organizations. For Full Details and Ordering Instructions, E-mail 
Your Computer Screen will Come Alive when you Use the FEDERAL (GRANT) MONEY RETRIEVER! |