Violence by students takes many forms and poses a number of challenges to campus officials. This guide presents
numerous examples of the different kinds of student violence that take place, their causes, and effects. Each of
the eight sections in the guide provides first-hand reports from campus officials on what happened and what was done about
it. The contents of this guide focuses on the most common forms of campus violence by students.
SECTION ONE deals with problems resulting from violence by athletes and programs that have been successful in curbing such
incidents. SECTION TWO relates a number of incidents where physical violence and threats of violence were tied to
bias crimes against women, gays, blacks, and others. A growing problem, physical harassment and assaults on women athletes,
is reviewed. SECTION THREE deals with bomb incidents on campus and gives detailed background on bombings related
to the case of the Unabomber, who turned out to be a former student at Northwestern University. The lessons learned
from the bombs he placed at several universities around the country are provided to enable campus officials to handle other
bombing incidents. SECTION FOUR presents programs for dealing with domestic violence. SECTION FIVE reviews
a number of the ever-growing trend of fraternity hazing incidents and provides insight into two areas of hazing that are not
usually publicized: 1. Hazing by Sororities; and 2. Hazing and Violence in Black Fraternities. SECTION
SIX describes three recent incidents of hostage taking by armed students and how campus police officials handled them.
SECTION SEVEN covers what is probably the most common form of violence on campus: violence stemming from drunkenness at
on- and off-campus parties. SECTION EIGHT illustrates a form of student violence that has been causing increasing
concern in the past decade: Student Attacks on other students much of which, on the surface at least, seems unprovoked.
CONTENTS INCLUDE: SECTION I: Violence By Athletes Football Players Suspended Officials Weigh
Fairness Vs. Favoritism Campuses Take Steps To Curb Violence Campaign To Educate New Students Planned
Mandatory Education Of Chemical Abusers Alcohol Abuse/Sexual Assault Correlation Successful Freshman
Orientation Programs Northeastern U. Targets 10-15% of At-Risk Students Athletes Train Athletes In Non-Violence
SECTION II: Bias Violence Anti-Feminist Backlash On Canadian Campuses Anti-Gay Harassment And Violence
On Campus Minnesota Campuses Respond To Bias Violence White Student Union Founder Sparks Controversy
Other Bias Incidents At Minnesota Uuniversity St. Thomas Assault, Cross Burning May Be Linked Fliers
Threaten Lives Of Professor, Administrator Fight Sparks Demonstration, Discipline Black Athletes Face Harassment
Letters Urge Lynching Of Interracial Couple Bethel Professor Faces Alleged Racist Threats Terroristic
Threat Charge Coincidence Or Conspiracy? Racism, Minnesota Style What Campus Security Can Do
Time To Rethink Protection For Women Athletes SECTION III: Bombings On Campuses The Mad University Mail
Bomber: Aftermath Of His Latest Strike Some Prior Campus Bombings: A Chronology Yale And UCSF: Training
Staff Members Some Other Steps You Can Take Weighing Risks Vs. Costs A Mail Screening Device For
Universities Police Seek Clues To Three Bomb Incidents At Two Rutgers U. Libraries SECTION IV: Domestic
Violence Michigan State U. Opens Safe House For Domestic Violence Victims University Of Illinois Hires Staffer
To Deal With Domestic Violence SECTION V: Fraternity Hazing Fraternity Hazing: Why Violence Persists
The Outlook For Reducing Hazing Violence: Mixed Hofstras Support System Hazing Goes Underground
Fraternity Officials Must Accept Responsibility Sororities: Just As Bad? Death Prompts No Policy Changes
Pledge Prank Results In Shooting Death Melee Participants Get Diversity Training Black Fraternities
Act To End Hazing, Violence SECTION VI: Hostage Taking Two Students Hold Fraternity Members Hostage At Gunpoint
Hostage-Taker Killed In Res Hall Incident University Deals With Hostage Crisis, Lawsuit, Phony Rape Charge
SECTION VII: Party Violence Riots, Rowdyism, And Drunkenness: An Update South Dakota State University
Central Michigan University University of Hartford University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh Ohio
Wesleyan University Universities Target Violence, Excessive Drinking Fighting Violence And Drugs At Johnson
& Wales University Student Enforcers And Patrollers Curb Violence Greek Neighborhood: Upsurge In Violence
How Community Crime Patrollers Aid Police Unarmed Observers Of The Crime Scene U. Of Nevada: Strict
Control Of Parties The Foxes Watching The Chickens? WVU Res Halls: Helping Students Move In Safely; Ending
Party Violence Two Universities Stem Violence At Campus Parties Brown University Montclair State
University North Carolina Colleges, Universities Deal With Drug Use And Violence Behind A Reported 40% Increase
In Drug Violations UNC-Chapel Hill Police: Working Closely With Student Housing Personnel East Carolina
U: Students More Willing To Come Forward ASU Reviews Safety Programs After Rapes, Shooting Gardner-Webb:
Zero Tolerance For Alcohol On Campus On- And Off-Campus Riots At U. Of Colorado, Boulder When A Drunken
Crowd Of Young People Goes Amok Is Enforcement Too Strict? Drunks Who Didnt Want Their Party Shut Down
Police: A Tremendous Amount Of Restraint After The Riots: New Training For CU Police Dont Let Parties
Get Out Of Hand Alcohol Enforcement Program Seen Successful Blame The Liquor Suppliers Needed:
A Broader Approach By Security? SECTION VIII: Students Attacking Students Unprovoked Violence On Campuses:
Students Against Students Snowball Fight Generates Campus Prevention Plan Violent Incidents At Vanderbilt
Heightens Student Awareness WMU Students, Faculty, Administration Seek Answers To Violence U. Of Houston
Students Poem Prompts Increased Security North Carolina Central Implements Dusk-To-Dawn Parking Patrols