IDENTIFYING LIES IN DISGUISE: A Practical Guide To Detecting Detecting Deception in The Verbal Behavior of Clients, Witnesses, Suspects and Those Who NEED To Tell The Truth, The Whole Truth and Nothing But The Truth!
As an Attorney, Prosecutor, Public Defender, Judge or Magistrate, If You Interview Prospective Clients, Witnesses or Jurors, or if You Interrogate Suspects, Criminal Offenders, Incarcerated Inmates, Felons, Gang Members or Others and You Need To Know Whether They Are Telling You The Truth or Lying To You In Disguise. You Need This Proven-Effective Self-Training Guide to Enhance Your Efforts, Your Specialized Occupation, and Profession.
For most people, whether suspects or witnesses, it is easier to lie, not by telling direct, confrontive, empathetic whoppers, but by diluting, rerouting, and rearranging bits and pieces of language into forms of verbal evasion that we rarely identify as lies. During (criminal or general) investigative interviews, such as those with gang members, informants and related criminal offenders, many deceptive persons lie By Telling The Truth, or by inadvertently disclosing admissions linking them to the offense under investigation. These suspects find it difficult to lie consistently throughout the interview due to conflicting mental and emotional pressures. Once an Attorney, Criminal Justice Investigator, Para-Legal or assigned interviewer knows the specific forms of disguised lies, he or she has a powerful resource to use these "lies in disguise" admissions by witnesses (or material witnesses) and confessions by suspects. IDENTIFYING LIES IN DISGUISE... is a specialized training course and guide for all law enforcement, criminal justice, insurance investigators and legal professionals, and a host of other professionals who NEED to know whether a client, witness or suspect is telling the truth or disguising the truth within a lie, or vice-versa, and who desire to improve their abilities to determine the truthfulness of persons involved in all types of criminal activities and investigations. The information in this highly recommended self-training text is also applicable: --For Use by Police Patrol Officers, Corrections Officers, Private Investigators and Security Officers; --For Probation and Parole Officers; Deputy Sheriffs and Other Professionals; --For Use During Gang and Street Crime and Related Interviews and Interrogations; --For Use During Homicide, Sex Crimes, Arson and Related Investigations; --For Use During Insurance and Securities Fraud or Money Laundering Investigations; --For Use By Internal Affairs Investigators During Internal Affairs Interviews and Investigations; --For Use By Law Enforcement Detectives and the Full Range of Criminal Investigators; --For Use By Coroners and Medical Examiners for Forensic Investigations; --For Use By Corporate Security or Organizational/Applicant Background Investigators; --For Use By Legal, Social and Human Service Personnel and Investigators; --For Use By Prosecutors, Attorneys, Judges and Related Legal Investigators; --For Use By Polygraph Examiners, Voice-Stress Analysts and Industrial Security; --For Use By Criminalists, Crime Analysts, and countless other Professionals. With this truly specialized self-training text and course, those law enforcement, corrections, legal and security professionals, private investigators, insurance investigators and others who desire to improve their current expertise and abilities to determine the truthfulness of persons involved in all types of criminal investigations, can now do so with a high degree of professionalism and quality, especially in subject areas such as: --How specific and repetitive words, phrases and sentences are linked to indirect lies; --How to identify, evaluate, and use suspects' disguised admissions and hidden offense-linkage excuses to obtain admissions and confessions; --How to determine a solid Reasonable Probability of Deception or Truth; --How to focus interrogations on deceptive suspects, while eliminating, from investigative scrutiny, those who are truthful; --How to apply new techniques of verbal analysis to assess the credibility of statements taken from victims, witnesses and suspects of crime; and How to apply new questioning tactics to effectively conduct a verbal detection of deception Diagnostic Interview, adaptable to any type of investigation; and more! Unlike other interviewing or interrogation courses, IDENTIFYING LIES IN DISGUISE does not teach what deceptive persons (subjects/suspects/witnesses) Tend to Say. This unique training course provides practical and new knowledge on what these types of persons actually Do Say, as substantiated by hard research data. Its proven-effective contents will aid you and fellow investigative professionals in: --Identifying specific verbal responses of deceptive interviewees; --Identifying deceptive interviewees' disguised and tacit admissions; --Evaluating credibility of oral/written statements of suspects, victims and witnesses; --Identifying false reports and perceived false representations of crimes; --Conducting diagnostic interviews of persons involved in all types of criminal investigations; and Determining reasonable probability of deception or truth in interviewee (Client, Witness or Suspect) statements, and much more!
IDENTIFYING LIES IN DISGUISE ISBN: 1-877858-27-7 Only $39.95 (Prepaid) Including UPS Delivery. Order Your Copy From: AMERICAN FOCUS PUBLISHING/USCCCN Post Office Box 663 South Plainfield, NJ 07080-0663 Fed. ID# 22-3248936 
THE ILID Q AND A PRACTICAL EXERCISE: Can You Tell The TRUTH From A LIE? Yes:___ No:___ Can You Recognize A Disguised Lie? Yes:___ No:___ Can You Identify The Truth Within a Lie? Yes:___ No:___ Can You Detect Deception In Verbal Behavior? Yes:___ No:___ After Reading and Studying IDENTIFYING LIES IN DISGUISE, You Will Answer the Above Questions With Authority! You Will Quickly Realize The Difference! Order Your Copy(ies) of IDENTIFYING LIES IN DISGUISE Today!!!

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Welcome to the world of Insurance Investigations. It is a world where a lot of money is spent on insurance claims, spent on doctors, lawyers, trial defenses, research, reconstruction experts, and countless others. It is a world sometimes filled with intrigue, sometimes unbelievable, and many times, with mysteries that need to be unraveled. It is also a rewarding and a lucrative field if you can learn and develop the skills necessary to provide the needed and required expert services. PRIVATE EYES HANDBOOK OF INSURANCE INVESTIGATIONS... twenty-two years in the making, makes readily available to you many secrets that would otherwise take countless years to learn and master. Much of what you will learn from the featured chapters and pages is NOT taught in any school, college, or insurance courses. The secrets come from first-hand field experience accumulated over many years. PRIVATE EYES HANDBOOK OF INSURANCE INVESTIGATIONS is timelessly written so that it will never be outdated in the future. Because there are many types of insurance involved, actual case histories, reports and statement guidelines to handle each of them are provided. There are complete and basic understandings of all procedures, from the initial assignment to the report writing, with samples included. PRIVATE EYES HANDBOOK OF INSURANCE INVESTIGATIONS is a business and educational experience, providing the unique ability for anyone to learn information that insurance companies usually keep secret, to themselves. It is important to note that insurance companies do not train the public, nor make this type of material available for learning, unless you work on the inside in the insurance industry. If an investigator, detective, or anyone understands and learns that there are many facets and kinds of insurance, they can offer all of the professional and occupational-related services, and not just one, such as surveillance. This opens the door to many, many more opportunities. The ultimate concept of this unique and much-needed handbook is to educate and train investigators and inform the public ... not just insurance companies. PRIVATE EYES HANDBOOK OF INSURANCE INVESTIGATIONS is the choice of The Career Oriented, People with Legal, Criminal Justice or Investigative Backgrounds who want to get into business for themselves to enhance their present business, especially those actively involved in or with the Legal Profession. Retired Police Officers and Legal Investigators who want to stay in the investigative field but investigate insurance losses, Security Personnel, Law Enforcement Agencies and Officials, Detectives, Lawyers, Criminal Justice Students, Special Investigative Units, Military Police and Members of Criminal Investigation Commands, Fraud Bureaus, Schools, Insurance Adjusters and related Professionals who want guidelines into various fields, for Insurance Companies themselves who want to give this handbook to those who investigate for them, Reference Libraries, Part Time Achievers, Vocational and Technical Schools and Students, and More. Some police, detective and security agencies continue to purchase multiple copies of PRIVATE EYES HANDBOOK OF INSURANCE INVESTIGATIONS to enlighten their police officers, detectives and investigators to standardized questions, not only to help themselves, but to help with departmental investigations where insurance carriers are involved. If you learn the basics and go on to develop your expertise, seeking the market, learn and provide the very best service, the field of Insurance Investigation can be a very rewarding and continuing career. Insurance companies have a lot of money to spend, and they like to spend it wisely. You can enjoy the benefits of their spending habits, but you must set your goals, develop your skills, and go after it! PRIVATE EYES HANDBOOK OF INSURANCE INVESTIGATION will provide much of the knowledge you will need to proceed and accomplish this. The rest is up to you! Contents include: Introduction * Types of Insurance Companies * Types of Insurance * Functions of the Insurance Claims Department * Developing the Business * Marketing and Sales * Report Writing * Statements * Locus, Diagrams, and Photographs * Accident Scene / Roadway Procedures * Assets and Subrogation Reports * Assets, Subrogation and Locate Guideline * Assets and Subrogation Example * Complete Locates / Locating People * Homeowner and Apartment Owner Investigation * Homeowner and Apartment Statement Guide * Homeowner and Apartment Owner Example * Worker's Compensation Investigations * Worker's Compensation Statement Guide * Worker's Compensation Example * Activity Checks and Surveillance * Activity Checks and Surveillance Example * Automobile Accident Investigation * Automobile Accident Statement Guideline * Automobile Accident Sample * Automobile Theft Investigation * Medical Malpractice Investigation * Medical Malpractice Statement Guidelines * Liquor Liability Investigation * Liquor Liability Statement Guide * Liquor Liability Example * Product Liability * Product Liability Statement Guide * Product Liability Sample Diagram * Product Liability Example * Forms * Glossary of Terms * Insurance Company List.
PRIVATE EYES HANDBOOK OF INSURANCE INVESTIGATION ISBN: 1-877858-73-0 Only $35.00 (Prepaid) Including UPS Delivery. Order Your Copy From: AMERICAN FOCUS PUBLISHING/USCCCN Post Office Box 663 South Plainfield, NJ 07080-0663 Fed. ID# 22-3248936 CLICK on the Sound Byte Below and Take a STRESS Break! click here to play sound 
IT IS A FACT THAT... STRESS has been Linked to Everything from the Common Cold to the Flu to Heart Attacks and Heart Disease, as well as Various Forms of Cancer.
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